Exploring the Pros and Cons of Kumamoto’s Semiconductor Industry: A Step Towards the Future or a Path We Shouldn’t Take?


Kumamoto Prefecture as a New Semiconductor Industry Hub

Kumamoto Prefecture is gaining attention as a new hub for the semiconductor industry. The construction of a new factory by Taiwan’s semiconductor giant TSMC has led to various changes, including economic demand and a significant influx of people. However, these changes have multiple facets, with not only benefits but also various disadvantages.

This article delves into the merits and demerits associated with the development of Kumamoto’s semiconductor industry and explores their impacts.




The Current State of Kumamoto’s Semiconductor Industry

TSMC’s Entry into Kumamoto

Taiwan’s semiconductor manufacturing giant TSMC has announced the construction of a new plant in Kikuyo Town, Kumamoto Prefecture. This move is a groundbreaking event for Japan’s semiconductor industry and is expected to have a significant impact on the economy of Kumamoto Prefecture.

TSMC’s entry into Kumamoto contributes to the revitalization of the regional economy and may encourage further investments by domestic and international companies. For Kumamoto Prefecture, attracting companies with advanced technological capabilities presents a significant opportunity to promote local innovation and create new employment opportunities.


Kumamoto’s Water Resources and the Semiconductor Industry

Kumamoto Prefecture is known as a place rich in water resources, which greatly appeals to the semiconductor industry. Semiconductor manufacturing requires a large amount of pure water, and Kumamoto’s clean water is an indispensable element for producing high-quality semiconductors.

The abundant supply of groundwater is also an important factor in the operation of semiconductor factories. However, using such a large amount of water for industrial purposes raises new challenges regarding environmental impact and the sustainability of local resources.



Merits of the Semiconductor Industry

Economic Growth and Job Creation

The expansion of the semiconductor industry is a major driving force for economic growth in Kumamoto Prefecture. Particularly, the entry of major companies like TSMC not only creates direct employment opportunities but also contributes to the activation of related industries and service sectors.

This diversifies the regional economy and creates employment opportunities over a broader range. Moreover, as an industry requiring advanced technology and specialized knowledge, it promotes the enhancement of the local workforce’s skills and expertise.


Contribution to Technological Progress and Innovation

The semiconductor industry is at the forefront of technological innovation. The entry of companies like TSMC into Kumamoto strengthens the region’s technological base and fosters further innovation. Such technological advancements positively impact not only the semiconductor industry but also others, including the automotive and medical technology sectors.

Establishing Kumamoto as a hub for advanced technological development increases its visibility both domestically and internationally, leading to more investments and collaborative relationships.



Demerits of the Semiconductor Industry

Environmental Impact: Use and Conservation of Groundwater

The development of Kumamoto’s semiconductor industry heavily depends on its rich water resources, raising significant issues concerning the conservation of groundwater resources. Semiconductor factories require large quantities of pure water, leading to the extensive use of groundwater for industrial purposes.

This raises concerns about the long-term depletion of water resources and lowering of groundwater levels. Additionally, the environmental impact of wastewater discharged from factories must be considered. These issues extend beyond Kumamoto and represent significant challenges for the sustainability of water resources on a global scale.


Social Challenges: Infrastructure Pressure due to Population Increase

The entry of major companies like TSMC creates numerous employment opportunities, leading to a significant influx of people. In Kumamoto Prefecture, this population increase puts considerable pressure on infrastructure, causing issues like traffic congestion, housing shortages, and overburdening of public facilities like schools and hospitals.

These social challenges directly affect the quality of life in local communities, necessitating a balance between sustainable industrial development and social harmony.



Comparative Analysis with Other Regions

Comparison with TSMC’s Factory in Arizona, USA

TSMC’s factory construction in Arizona, USA, has different characteristics compared to the factory in Kumamoto. The Arizona factory employs more advanced technology (5nm process) and has a different level of production capacity and technical expertise compared to the Kumamoto factory (22-28nm process).

This difference influences the industrial direction and focus on technological development in both regions. The adoption of more advanced technology in the Arizona factory serves as a reference for addressing the technological challenges faced by Kumamoto and enhancing its competitive strength in the market.


Kumamoto’s Unique Conditions and Challenges

Kumamoto can establish a unique position in the semiconductor industry by leveraging its abundant water resources and geographical advantages. However, it also faces challenges such as environmental conservation, harmonization with the local community, and infrastructure development.

Addressing these challenges is a crucial element for the future of Kumamoto’s semiconductor industry. Utilizing insights gained from comparisons with other regions, effective solutions to these challenges can be developed, enabling Kumamoto to achieve sustainable development in the semiconductor industry.



Future Outlook and Challenges

Sustainability of the Semiconductor Industry in Kumamoto

The sustainability of the semiconductor industry in Kumamoto depends on multiple factors. Balancing technological advancement and environmental consideration is crucial, requiring long-term strategies for efficient resource utilization and environmental conservation.

The semiconductor industry, necessitating advanced technology and extensive water resources, hinges on efficiently using these elements and minimizing environmental impact. Additionally, coexistence with the local community and contributing to the regional economy are essential for enhancing the industry’s sustainability.


Collaborative Solutions from the Government and Local Community

Collaboration between the government and local community is indispensable for the sustainable development of the semiconductor industry. The government can support healthy industry growth by formulating policies and regulations to address environmental and social issues arising from industrial development.

On the other hand, the local community needs to strengthen its efforts to benefit from industrial development and contribute to sustainable regional growth. Through collaboration, multifaceted solutions can be realized, addressing environmental concerns, catering to local infrastructure needs, and investing in education and technological development.




Potential and Challenges of Kumamoto’s Semiconductor Industry

The development of the semiconductor industry in Kumamoto Prefecture brings new potential to the regional economy. The entry of major companies like TSMC creates job opportunities, technological innovation, and economic benefits for the local community, while also posing environmental and social challenges.

These challenges need to be appropriately addressed to ensure the sustainable development of the industry and the welfare of the local community.


Impact on the Local Community and the Future of the Industry

The development of the semiconductor industry in Kumamoto significantly impacts the local community. Economic growth and job creation offer substantial benefits to the community, but there are various challenges to be addressed, including environmental conservation, infrastructure development, and harmonization with the local society.

Effectively tackling these challenges enables Kumamoto to develop its semiconductor industry sustainably and contribute to the prosperity of the local community.
