In-depth Explanation of Japan’s Measures Against Declining Birth Rates! Government Subsidies and Specific Initiatives


Japan is facing a severe problem of declining birth rates. In response, the government has launched various measures that directly impact our daily lives, especially for families with children.

This article will detail the government’s measures against declining birth rates, focusing on subsidies and support measures. From securing 350 billion yen in the 2024 fiscal year budget to expanding child allowances and supporting educational expenses, we will examine each initiative in detail.

Through this article, we hope to deepen your understanding of the current situation of measures against declining birth rates and the government’s intentions behind them.




Current Situation of Declining Birth Rates

Challenges Faced by the Government

With the worsening of the declining birth rate issue, the Japanese government faces a range of challenges. This problem, crucial for the country’s future, has wide-ranging economic and social impacts, such as a decrease in the working-age population, increased social security costs, and the decline of regional communities.

The government is focusing on providing economic incentives and developing social infrastructure to address these issues. However, given the depth of the problem, more specific and long-term strategies are required.


Impacts of Declining Birth Rates

The most significant impact of declining birth rates is the reduction of the labor force. This leads to economic stagnation and a shortage of talent in industries, raising concerns about decreased international competitiveness.

Coupled with an increasing elderly population, unavoidable increases in medical and welfare costs are anticipated. In rural areas, the consolidation of schools and shrinking of regional communities are leading to a decline in local vitality.

These impacts provide strong reasons for the government to seek long-term and comprehensive measures.



Government Initiatives and Subsidies

Securing 350 Billion Yen in the 2024 Fiscal Year Budget

The 2024 fiscal year budget includes approximately 350 billion yen for measures against declining birth rates. This budget is allocated for local government initiatives in services and facility development and is expected to be used for expanding child care support facilities and improving the quality of child care services.

These measures are expected to improve the child-rearing environment and reduce the burden on families with children.


Expansion of Child Allowances and Benefits

The government is enhancing various economic support measures, including the expansion of child allowances and benefits. Notably, the child allowance is being expanded to cover children up to 18 years old (high school students), with the abolition of income restrictions, allowing more families to receive support.


Further support for families with multiple children includes plans for the

effective free provision of university tuition, reducing the burden of educational expenses on families.



Strengthening Economic Support Measures

Overview of the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget

The fiscal year 2024 (Reiwa 6) budget significantly strengthens economic support for measures against declining birth rates. The government has substantially increased the budget for child-rearing support and related funding for the Children and Families Agency.

This budget expansion aims to enhance direct support for families with children and the infrastructure related to child-rearing, leading to overall improvement in the child-rearing environment and reducing the economic burden on families.


Support Measures for Families with Multiple Children

The government is enhancing support measures for families with multiple children, including economic support and measures in education and welfare. Examples include the expansion of child allowances and the effective free provision of university tuition.

These measures aim to reduce the economic burden on families with multiple children and provide equal educational opportunities for all children.


Reducing the Burden of Educational Expenses

Reducing educational expenses is a crucial element of the government’s measures against declining birth rates. The cost of higher education is a significant concern for many families.

Through various measures, including making university tuition effectively free, the government aims to reduce the burden of educational expenses. This initiative is expected to eliminate the problem of children being unable to pursue higher education due to financial reasons, ensuring equal educational opportunities for all children.



Securing Funding and the Support Fund System

Overview and Purpose of the Support Fund System

The government has introduced a “Support Fund System” as a new mechanism to secure stable funding for measures against declining birth rates. This system aims to collect support funds through medical insurance from a wide range of generations and companies, dedicating it to child-rearing support from pregnancy and childbirth up to the age of two.

The introduction of this system is expected to strengthen the financial foundation for measures against declining birth rates, enabling long-term support.


Roles of the Government and Corporations

The success of the Support Fund System relies on the cooperation of both the government and corporations. The government manages the system, while companies contribute through the collection of support funds from employees. This public-private cooperation system views measures against declining birth rates as a societal issue, indicating a collaborative approach to resolution.

Corporations are also expected to develop environments that make it easier for employees to balance work and family life, such as enhancing employee benefits and introducing flexible work systems.




Future Prospects of Policies

The Japanese government’s measures against declining birth rates will continue to play a vital role in supporting the societal foundation. The expansion of the budget, child allowances, and support for educational expenses form a foundation to curb the decline in birth rates and support families with children.

The effectiveness of these measures is a point of focus for the future. The continuity and flexibility of these policies are also crucial, requiring evolution in response to societal changes. The nurturing of children and family happiness is directly linked to the country’s future, necessitating ongoing efforts by the government and support from society as a whole.


Impact on Families and Society

The government’s measures against declining birth rates significantly impact families and society. Economic support reduces the burden on families and provides more children with the opportunity for desirable education. This expands the future options for children and contributes to raising the country’s educational standards.

Societally, measures against declining birth rates can help prevent a decrease in the labor force and aim for sustainable economic growth. Thus, measures against declining birth rates are essential not only for individual families but also for the future of society as a whole.
